[Exercise 10] [Content] [Exercise 12]

Exercise 11

Task 11.1

Create a program, that makes a copy of text file character by character. The program transforms all small letters to capital ones. Use strams. Enter names of files from keyboard. You can use methods get and put:

Skelet of the program:

read character
    if (c is a small letter) c = c - ('a' - 'A');
    put c to the file
    read character


CodeBlocks:copy.cbp, copy.cpp

Task 11.2

Create a program that uses generic stack from STL to store characters. Insert characters read from keyboard to the stack (terminate characters by Enter), print the count of stored characters (size of the stack). Pop all characters and print them.

CodeBlocks:stackstl.cbp, stackstl.cpp

The presentation about xwWidgets and Qt library: 14PAM_exercise13_WIN_wx_qt.pptx.

Hellowin uses WIN API:

CodeBlocks: hellowin.cbp, hellowin.cpp

Application using Qt library and Qt Creator tool (open the file CMakeLists.txt in the tool)


[Exercise 10] [Content] [Exercise 12]